Emma Watson Has an Idea for 'Beauty and the Beast' Sequel
If Disney decides to make a sequel to "Beauty and the Beast," they can bring back Emma Watson not just as the star but as a writer, too!
"I would love to do a sequel," the actress told Access Hollywood. "I always thought that Belle would become a teacher and she would run a library in the castle and open it up to the village."
"Beauty and the Beast" was a mega blockbuster, earning more than $1.1 billion worldwide. So, talk of a potential sequel, or spinoff, started up as the movie continued to rake in cash.
Watson's idea definitely sounds like a plausible for Belle, whose love of books and learning is a defining characteristic. Perhaps she could take a new character, an orphaned boy with special talents, under her wing. And the antagonists could be a cruel teacher and a bullying student. Oh wait, Watson's already done that kind of story.