Early 'Ghostbusters' Reviews Are Positive, Cynics Call Critics Paid-Off Cowards
"Ghostbusters" fans/haters are still crossing streams online, arguing over the early "Ghostbusters" reviews and debating how the movie will do at the box office. Anyone rooting for the movie to fail had a setback over the weekend when the embargo was lifted and more than 50 reviews hit Rotten Tomatoes, with a current 79 percent fresh rating.
The reviews themselves aren't glowing -- most are more "like" than "love" -- but it's still not negative enough for the anti-Ghostbusters, who have not seen the reboot but believe it's garbage and want it to be destroyed.
So that has led to the kind of dogs and cats living together mass hysteria that insists the critics were paid off, or only wrote their positive reviews because they're afraid of backlash if they trash it. (But the quickest way to get a head-pat from the Internet is to mimic the loudest "fanboy" opinion -- like when a critic supported DC's "Batman v Superman" instead of being a "paid" Marvel shill; the "Ghostbusters" backlash is coming now, from the same folks who started attacking the movie last year even before the first trailer came out.)
Here are some reactions:
Ghostbusters is lifting their embargo 11 days before the film comes out lol okay , those paid good reviews won't stop it from flopping
— ❤Kiki Sheppard❤ (@Asamiiiya) July 2, 2016
Oh good, the "all positive Ghostbusters reviews were paid for by Sony" conspiracy has begun. A desperate hill for idiots to die on.
— John Squires (@FreddyInSpace) July 10, 2016
@mundanematt I think it may be fear of backlash. But for me I can't support this movie due to the bad behavior from Paul
— Randy (@snakestealth24) July 10, 2016
so yeah
every positive ghostbusters review you see on rotten tomatoes has been paid for by sony
this is no joke— youtube™ dot com (@Clankity) July 10, 2016
People who don't believe that reviewers are paid to give Ghostbusters a good review don't know how corrupt the media industry has become.
— Girl in Vermillion (@HereticOfEthics) July 10, 2016
Critics are so afraid of the backlash, they are to kind with the #Ghostbusters movie reviews, seems todays media needs to grow some balls.
— The Man (@Blue_slimer) July 10, 2016
Even the reviews where the industry basically paid for everything are negative for Ghostbusters. This movie is really bad.
— murphy78 (@enjoy_murph) July 11, 2016
All positive reviews of the new Ghostbusters movie have been paid for. It's disgusting. Word rates for film writing are criminally low.
— John Allison (@badmachinery) July 11, 2016
Look at who writes a #ghostbusters review, then look through their past articles and how they handle the trailer backlash.
— Matt Jarbo (@mundanematt) July 10, 2016
So are the movie critics getting paid to like Ghostbusters the same ones who were paid to dislike Batman V Superman it's hard to keep up
— Hannah Shaw-Williams (@HSW3K) July 11, 2016
The comments re: Ghostbusters reviews are identical to comments about BvS reviews, right down to shrieking about "bias" and "paid shills."
— Nic (@littlepunkryo) July 11, 2016
Meanwhile, at the new film's premiere, producer Amy Pascal told The Hollywood Reporter, "I have waited for this moment for a year!" said the film's producer Amy Pascal. "It's going to be endless. People are going to love this movie so much that's they're going to demand more and more."
Maybe, maybe not. It's her job to promote the movie, and the audience's jobs to decide with their money if they want to be slimed again. (Look how well that worked out for "Ghostbusters 2"!)
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