Early 'Captain Marvel' Reactions: It's a 'Trippy' Blast With 'Ton of Surprises
"Captain Marvel" really is going higher, further, and faster, judging by the first reactions from early screenings.
As one Twitter user put it: "Thanos is f---ed."
There are already high expectations surrounding Marvel's first film led by a female superhero, which introduces Carol Danvers (Brie Larson). The powerful character is unlike anything we've seen yet in the MCU and should play an important role in defeating Thanos in the upcoming "Avengers: Endgame."
"Captain Marvel," which opens March 8, was directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. The tone of the movie is receiving a lot of praise, as is the performances by Larson. Co-star Ben Mendelsohn, who plays the villanous Skrull named Talos, also gets mentioned as a standout.
Here's a round-up of early reactions, including from Moviefone's own Drew Taylor: