Dwayne Johnson Claims He Was 'First Choice' to Host Oscars
Is The Rock cooking up some serious trollery for Kevin Hart?
Dwayne Johnson and his "Jumanji" and "Central Intelligence" co-star have engaged in a playful rivalry in the last few years, but Johnson just took it to the next level.
On Twitter, Johnson claimed he had been the first choice to host this year's Oscars, but was forced to turn down the gig due to his schedule filming the "Jumanji" sequel.
As everybody knows, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced in early December that Hart would host the ceremony. However, a controversy erupted over some of his old homophobic tweets, and after apologizing, Hart stepped down. No new host was named, and the Oscars will go host-less on Feb. 24.
Is Johnson's tweet serious? Hard to say. The Academy hasn't issued a confirmation or denial.
But since Hart is Johnson's co-star in "Jumanji," the very thing that caused the scheduling problem, this seems more like a smart marketing move. It fuels their on-going, jokey "feud" and calls attention to their upcoming project.
If it is true, Johnson could have been a fun host. He's got charm and charisma to spare and can even do song-and-dance numbers.
Alas, the Oscars will go host-less, which ABC Entertainment president Kerry Burke recently said could be very good for the show.
“I ironically have found that the lack of clarity around the Oscars has kept it in the conversation, and the mystery has been really compelling,” the executive said.
“People really care. I think it’s fascinating… to me that shows evidence of how relevant the Oscars still are.”