Dolly Parton Reveals New Details About '9 to 5' Sequel
Four decades may have passed since "9 to 5" first inspired women in the workplace, but as they say, things change and other things remain the same.
In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, star Dolly Parton said one thing that will change about the planned sequel is the addition of voices from the younger generation.
"Pat Resnick, who wrote the original, she’s writing with Rashida Jones, so we’re hopefully gonna get to see that soon,” the iconic singer teased.
By "we," Parton also includes her co-stars Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda, who are both set to return. They'll join as-yet-uncast younger actresses.
“This gives us a chance to have three new young [women], whoever they may be, working at Consolidated, the company that we were with, and then they find these three older women — Lily, Jane, and myself — working out in the workplace, and so they wanna find out what we did," Parton explained.
"They’re gonna pick our brains for information, so that’s gonna actually lend itself to some really funny stuff, some cute stuff."
She added with a laugh, "And then there’s having six great women, instead of just the three.”
What remains the same, though, are the sexism and harassment issues that the original movie addressed and still face women in today's workplace.
"Because of the #MeToo movement and women trying harder to stand up for who they are and their rights, it seemed to be the perfect time to do it," she said. "You know how some things just happen at the right time?”