'Doctor Who' Fans Have Strong Feelings About First Female Doctor
Let's best honest, "Doctor Who" fans have strong opinions about every actor who plays The Doctor, including the 12 previous male stars before Jodie Whittaker. No matter who was announced, a section of the fandom was going to squint, tilt their heads, and find fault. But because the Thirteenth Doctor is also the first woman, the conversation went in that direction for a while, getting extreme (but predictable) responses from both sides. To be fair, most of the conversation was in support/defense mode, anticipating a gender-based backlash that did arrive but was nowhere near as strong as the support.
Jodie Whittaker, 35, isn't exactly a household name, but you've probably seen her somewhere -- possibly in "Venus," "Broadchurch," or one of the best episodes of "Black Mirror." She told the Telegraph of the U.K.
"I want to tell the fans not to be scared by my gender. Because this is a really exciting time, and 'Doctor Who' represents everything that's exciting about change. The fans have lived through so many changes, and this is only a new, different one, not a fearful one."
The Doctor is an extraterrestrial Time Lord who regenerates every so often into a new incarnation -- which is how we've had 12 previous Doctors -- so if ever there were a role that could be justified as more than just one gender, it's this one.
Still, not everyone feels that way. And for every, say, five cheers for change there was a post at #NotMyDoctor blasting what was seen as PC run amok. However, the majority of the fandom was probably somewhere in the middle of those two extremes, closer to the usual cautious optimism/let's see how it goes.
My daughter watching the #DoctorWho announcement. #doctor13#DoctorWho13pic.twitter.com/eX0w1rW4E9
— ????️????Jenny Trout (@Jenny_Trout) July 16, 2017
The Doctor Who Helpline. pic.twitter.com/QDskJFpeZ2
— Mark Humphries (@markhumphries) July 17, 2017
Oh great a female Doctor Who. What next? Female real doctors? Female pilots? Female scientists? Female sisters and mothers? Female WOMEN?!
— m@®|{ µø₽₽û§????️???? (@markhoppus) July 16, 2017
People asking how I feel about #Doctorwho being a woman. The same way I feel about women being women #Fine
I literally just see #TheDoctorpic.twitter.com/qOiO4z15VD— Noel Clarke (@NoelClarke) July 17, 2017
Number of people bitching about female Doctor Who on my tl: 0
Number of people bitching of people bitching about female Doctor Who: 82839499— lolita (@jokesvsriddles) July 17, 2017
I just don't see Doctor Who as a woman... I fear this victory for PC feminist tokenism will ruin this iconic series for a great many people.
— Michael Charles Sull (@thepoetsullivan) July 16, 2017
I wouldn't have a problem with a female Doctor if it wasn't for the namby pamby PC brigade putting pressure on. Wankers #DoctorWho#Doctor13
— Paul J. Gregory (@PJGregory2015) July 16, 2017
me before reading the comments: oh cool the new Doctor Who is a woman
me after reading the comments: i hope Doctor Who is never a man again
— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) July 16, 2017
*Doctor Who literally breaks the laws of physics* - Oh yeah makes sense
*Doctor could be a woman* - IMPOSSIBLE HOW DARE YOU #doctor13
— Ruth (@anxiouslion) July 16, 2017
If the new #DoctorWho is a woman, that means they'll probably cast some really hot man as the companion and I am totally here for that.
— Paul Lang (@rudemrlang) July 15, 2017
Everyone in the #NotMyDoctor feed. pic.twitter.com/XhL14o1dFn
— Brady Daniels (@bradydaniels) July 16, 2017
Ask the studio that made the all female Ghostbusters if this is a good idea. #DoctorWho13#NotMyDoctor#RhetoricalQuestion
— Mike B (@Alteredbeastx7) July 16, 2017
Hope she gets kicked out after one Series ???? #NotMyDoctorpic.twitter.com/vZDMAiYJKW
— Léon the Amateur (@CoraxCosplay) July 16, 2017
#DoctorWho died today. He didn't die nobly as you might expect. He was murdered by Political Correctness. #NotMyDoctor
— James Huckabee (@hucksworld) July 16, 2017
Creasing at some of the melts in the #NotMyDoctor tag, who knew middle aged men were all so threatened by women ????
— ????Rice???? (@Das_Kommandant) July 16, 2017
Here's the list of Time Lord stars so far:
- William Hartnell (1963-66)
- Patrick Troughton (1966-69)
- Jon Pertwee (1970-74)
- Tom Baker (1974-81)
- Peter Davison (1982-84)
- Colin Baker (1984-86)
- Sylvester McCoy (1987-89)
- Paul McGann (1996)
- Christopher Eccleston (2005)
- David Tennant (2005-2010)
- Matt Smith (2010-2013)
- Peter Capaldi (2013-2017)
- Jodie Whittaker (2017-)
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