'Frozen' and 10 More Disney Movies That Made You Sob
No one knows how to make us cry more than Disney. These are some of the times we basically went through an entire tissue box wiping our tears away.
When Anna Saves Elsa In 'Frozen' (2013)
"Frozen" over-performed at the box office thanks to the unexpected (and very welcome) emotional beats that resonated with audiences, especially the film's final, tearjerk-y moments. Anna's sacrifice for Elsa, for the love of her sister, still gets us in ALL the feels.
When Hiro Says Goodbye to Baymax in 'Big Hero 6'
Never has the question "Are you satisfied with your care?" given us the visceral reaction. Not only is Baymax the sweetest, funniest sidekick, but he was also Hiro's last remaining connection to Tadashi. Luckily, we eventually get him back, but things were real sad for a minute there.
When Quasimodo Is Crowned the King of Fools in 'Hunchback of Notre Dame'
Quasimodo has spent his entire life hiding from the public because he doesn't think he'll be accepted. When he finally gets out into the world, he's crowned the King of Fools. He's lead to believe that, at first, it's a good thing and is so, so excited. Then, as the crowd turns on him, Quasimodo's heart breaks -- and ours with it.
When Stitch Says Goodbye in 'Lilo and Stitch'
Lilo and Stitch are both lonely creatures who fate brings together. When Stitch thinks he has to leave and go back to space, it's like having to leave his family. And ohana means family!!! No one gets left behind!!! Or transported back to space!!
When Bing Bong Disappears in 'Inside Out'
As if "Inside Out" wasn't already an emotional mindf**k, they had to go and let Bing Bong disappear. Sure, we found him a little much and a little annoying, but he grew on us just in time to save the day and make us ugly cry.
When the Toys Say Goodbye to Andy in 'Toy Story 3'
For many of us, watching "Toy Story 3" was basically like saying goodbye to our own childhoods. So when Andy had to leave behind his beloved toys and head off to college, we just were not prepared for all the feels we were about to feel.
When Nemo's Mother and Siblings Get Eaten in 'Finding Nemo'
If you don't cry at least once during a Disney Pixar movie, did you even watch one? "Finding Nemo" starts you right off with a nice sob when a barracuda comes and eats Marlin's entire family -- except Nemo. Honestly, you can't blame the guy for being an overprotective father.
The First Five Minutes of 'Up'
The first five minutes of "Up" are basically a short film, and it is an emotional rollercoaster. If you don't cry at least once, you are a walking, talking, human robot.
When Widow Tweed Abandons Tod in the Woods in 'The Fox and the Hound'
Widow Tweed is on our s**t lists for the rest of forever. We get it, Tod's a wild animal, but she brought him into her house! You can't just have him spend years getting attached to you, only to leave him in the middle of the woods. And his face when she drives away?! He's so confused and so sad and we are literally crying just thinking about it.
When Bambi's Mother Gets Shot in 'Bambi'
"We made it. We made it, Mother." ???? No, no you didn't Bambi. Your mom didn't make it because she got shot by a hunter. This one might honestly be the most scarring scene. Yeah, parents and characters die in Disney movies. But to have her get shot by a hunter (who you never see) and to have a baby Bambi shouting and looking for his mother is really traumatizing as a child.
When Sully Says Goodbye to Boo in 'Monsters, Inc.'
Why can't Sully just live in the real world and hang out with Kitty all the time?! He can just say he has some kind of weird, rare disease that makes him grow hair. It'll be fine. They can be friends forever.
When Mufasa Dies in 'The Lion King'
"The Lion King" came out in 1994, and 24 years later, we still cry every single time we watch this scene.