Did You See How Insanely Jacked Ray Fisher Got for 'Justice League'?
This is what it looks like when you work out like a machine.
Considering so much of Cyborg's body won't be seen, you'd think Ray Fisher might be the one lucky superhero with no need to get superbuff. He could eat doughnuts in front of the rest of the "Justice League" and just watch them seethe. But no. Instead, Fisher gained 33 pounds of pure muscle to play Victor Stone/Cyborg, and showed off the results on Instagram:
Back in September of 2016, Fisher shared another look at his ripped Cyborg bod:
IGN recently talked with Joe Morton, who plays Cyborg's father/inventor Dr. Silas Stone, and he revealed that some of the reshoots Joss Whedon directed were to alter the tone of Cyborg's character:
IGN: Can you say what's different? Is there's any difference in tone?
Morton: Well, the stuff that I had to do were just really small little bits and pieces, nothing necessarily having to do with tone. I know that with Ray, the young man who plays Victor, there were some adjustments that they made in terms of the tone of that character. I think what I heard was that there was a need from the studio to lighten up the film in a way, that the film felt too dark. I don't know what that meant in terms of how it actually got translated in terms of the reshoots but that's what I heard. That's what I thought some of the reshoots were about.
Morton also talked to Comic Book Movie about the Victor/Silas relationship, saying Victor resents Silas for turning him into Cyborg:
"Yeah, some of that still exists in the film where Victor sort of feels like, 'Yes you saved my life, but look what you made me look like. I can't go out and be a regular person.' He has no alias, nothing to hide behind. So what I think is great about that idea is you begin, in a metaphoric way, sort of talking about what it means to be 'the other' in society. Even if you have something tremendous to contribute to society, the first thing that most social situations will do is ostracize you because you look different because they don't know who or what you are. So I think that's a big deal in this film for that character, and for Silas, and makes for interesting film making."
"Justice League" opens November 17th.
[h/t CinemaBlend]
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