DC Wants Michael Bay to Direct 'Lobo' Movie
DC has reportedly met with "Transformers" director Michael Bay to take charge of its upcoming "Lobo" movie.
TheWrap reports that DC and Warner Bros. hopes Bay can turn what would be his first superhero film into their answer to Marvel's "Deadpool." In other words, a monster box-office hit. With ample use of, we assume, Bay's trademark 360-degree hero shots.
Lobo, to the uninitiated, is a blue, 7-foot-tall alien with more muscles than Jason Momoa. The official DC Comics site describes him as a "foul-mouthed brawler" who's "the most brutally effective bounty hunter in the galaxy." So, Deadpool meets Boba Fett. Got it.
"Wonder Woman" scripter Jason Fuchs is reportedly reworking the script based on notes from Bay in hopes that the director will sign on, according to TheWrap.
"San Andreas" director Brad Peyton was previously attached to direct "Lobo," and before that, Guy Ritchie was on board.
[Via TheWrap]