DC Comics Wants Fans to Dress as Super Heroes for World Record Event
Get ready to rip off that Clark Kent shirt and reveal the "S" hiding underneath. Your superhero services are requested for the DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event, which will take place on April 18. Warner Bros. Consumer Products and DC Entertainment just announced plans to set a world record for the largest gathering of people dressed as DC Comics Super Heroes.
The event starts in Queensland, Australia with a celebration at Movie World Australia theme park, and will end in Los Angeles at Hollywood & Highland. Fifteen cities around the world will be participating, and here they are:
Birmingham, UK
Cardiff, UK
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Lille, France
London, UK
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Lyon, France
Madrid, Spain
Manila, Philippines
Mexico City, Mexico
Paris, France
Queensland, Australia
Rome, Italy
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Warrington, UK
It would be nice if more U.S. locations were involved, but there's really nothing stopping you from dressing up in spirit, wherever you are.
To be an official participant, you have to dress from head-to-toe as a recognizable DC Comics superhero - and there are plenty of options, including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Supergirl, Aquaman, Cyborg, Robin, Green Arrow, and more. The world record will be set when fans are gathered in the assigned area at each local event for a full five minutes.
Head to the Facebook page for more details and other fun stuff involved with the event. It's really just a chance to geek out with your fellow comic fans, and maybe you can tell your grandchildren that you once set a world record.