18 Times We Were All Cory Matthews From 'Boy Meets World'
Cory Matthews (Boy Meets World" was all about the struggle of adolescence, and no one captured it more than Cory. Here are 18 times we saw ourselves in him.
When he pretty much summed up our entire existence
When he could see his life falling apart right before his eyes
When he understood our true hair issues
When he was all about a pun
When he mourned the loss of his BFF with ice cream
When he wasn't the most comforting friend
When he could sometimes get his words together and say great things
When he knew that pizza + pretty girl = yaass
When he did not understand dating at all
When he really, really didn't understand dating
When he was totally chill after his first kiss
When he was on the case
When he was a touch dramatic ... just a touch
When he was motivated by candy
When he spoke from the heart
When he was very aware of his flaws
When he couldn't picture his teachers having a life before being old
When he understood that snow truly sucks