Comedy Central Cancels @midnight After 600 Episodes (#SadTVShows)
Comedy Central is calling a truce in the "@midnight With Chris Hardwick" ends its run Friday, August 4, the same day as its 600th episode milestone.
So no more #SexyDisney or #BadThemeParks suggestions in your Twitter timeline when you wake up. Sigh. It's a sad day.
According to Deadline, it was a mutual decision between Comedy Central and host/executive producer Chris Hardwick to end the series now. "We took a big macro look and we started having conversations with Chris," Comedy Central president Kent Alterman told Deadline. "We feel incredibly proud of the show, we think it's had an amazing run. How many shows can say that they'd hit 600 episodes? It was a little bit of the audience telling us over time, and we mutually thought, 'You know what, maybe we should walk away holding our heads high and proud, full of appreciation and gratitude.'"
Hardwick reacted to the end on Twitter:
600 eps of @midnight! I'm so proud! I've nothing but gratitude for @ComedyCentral & YOU for watching/hashtagging :)
— Chris Hardwick (@hardwick) July 19, 2017
Hardwick also issued a statement to Deadline:
"@midnight has meant the world to me these last four years. It has been a dream to come to work 600 times to make inappropriate jokes about the Internet with my fellow comedian friends. I could not be more proud of this show, staff and crew and at the end of the day, I think we accomplished everything we wanted to accomplish. Spiritually it just feels like it ran its course — I'm not sure we had many more hashtag games in us (which may actually be a relief to anyone whose Twitter feed gets overrun every night).
I owe such a huge debt of gratitude to Comedy Central and Kent for taking a chance on the show, always being great partners and allowing us to exit mutually, which is rarely a gift you are given in this business. I will certainly miss awarding POINTS! to people nightly, so please understand if you see me randomly shouting it at strangers in public after August 4th."
Hardwick may have lost a job, but he still has a million more. He still hosts his Nerdist podcast, and hosts/executive produces the "Talking" franchise on AMC, which includes "Talking Dead," "Talking Dead: Fear Edition," "Talking Saul," "Talking Preacher," and "Talking with Chris Hardwick." He also hosts and executive produces "The Wall" for NBC, and is developing "The Awesome Show." And he just guest judged "America's Got Talent" last night. He'll be showing up at your house soon to fix the plumbing. 'Cause why not?
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