Clint Eastwood's Caitlyn Jenner Joke Will Be 'Removed' From TV Broadcast
Guys' Choice" awards broadcast that airs June 18.
The event itself was held Saturday night. When introducing Dwayne Johnson for an award, Eastwood compared The Rock to former athletes who have become actors, "like Jim Brown and Caitlyn Somebody..." USA Today heard from David Schwarz, Spike TV senior vice president of communications, who confirmed Eastwood's quote and said, "We will remove the reference in the version that will air."
Censorship. But Spike can do what it wants with its content. In that way, it's like Comedy Central cutting Paul Walker jokes from Justin Bieber's roast, although of course Caitlyn Jenner is still alive, it's a very different kind of sensitivity. It's a shame, though, because it's only going to make some folks even angrier about how "PC" we've all become. Go ahead and let Clint Eastwood say what he wants and let the chips fall where they may.
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