'Circle of Friends' Cast: Where Are They Now? (PHOTOS)
"Circle of Friends" -- based on the Maeve Binchy novel about a group of university students' complicated love lives in 1950s Dublin -- debuted in limited release on March 17, 1995. Its stars have gone on to much bigger things but, like them, we're still very fond of the film that helped launch many of their careers.
Minnie Driver, who played plainspoken Irish lass Bernadette "Benny" Hogan in her first major film role, recently told EW, "It gave me my whole career, that movie." Just two years later, she was an Oscar nominee for "Good Will Hunting."
Where is the cast now? Over the past two decades, they've collected awards (including an Oscar and a Tony), headlined TV series, and more than one has ended up on "Game of Thrones."
Circle of Friends
Three girlhood friends now at college share first loves, first kisses and first betrayals. At the center of it all is the best-looking boy on campus. Can a self-conscious... Read the Plot