Chewbacca Mom Carpools With James Corden and J.J. Abrams
Can anyone out-Chewbacca Chewbacca Mom?
Candace Payne has become an internet sensation thanks to a viral video showing her laughing hysterically while trying on a Chewbacca mask. She was bound to show up on one of the late night shows, but it really made the most sense for her to go with James Corden's "Late Late Show," since he also makes very popular videos set in cars.
Not only did Payne carpool with Corden, but "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" director J.J. Abrams came along for the ride. And all three of them donned the Chewbacca masks from Kohl's and laughed and laughed and laughed .... Should we call it "Carpool Chewy-oke?"
Even better? Corden read a letter from original Chewbacca portrayer Peter Mayhew inviting Payne to meet him at an upcoming convention.
May the Wookiee be with you.
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens