Cara Delevingne's Epic Twitter Rant Includes Wish to Pour Cheese on Paparazzi
Unlike The Hulk, you might really like Cara Delevingne when she's angry. That's when she's the most fun. You may recall her awkward interview and ensuing frustration that sarcasm doesn't seem to translate. That sarcasm made a return last night in her extended rant against the paparazzi. Apparently the London-born model and star of "Paper Towns" and "Suicide Squad" was just stalked or blocked by cameras one too many times and had to vent about the lack of privacy.
The paparazzi only get worse! I am not complaining but I just find it sad that I can't live in my own city because for that reason
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Also to the guys in Milan! I only cover my face when you are rude to me, please do not make me feel like a zoo animal
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
I was excited to be in Milan but now I have a feeling you are going to ruin my trip.
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
If only I could make you feel the way you make me feel, I just hope that outside of this, you are able to feel empathy for others.
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
If not then I feel truly sorry for you
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
One day when I have time, I will find out where you live and camp outside your house with my friends armed with cameras
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Then let's see who is laughing
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
And also, to answer your question, I did have a great night last night. Thank you! I definitely had a better night than you x
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Sorry guys, rant over. I hope you all had a great day. If I wasn't able to vent to you guys, these situations would probably end in violence
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
I refuse to let these grown men treat people like objects with no feelings and get away with it, I will never be silent.
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Some of you are definitely worse than others and I promise that it will come back around to bite you, if not, I CERTAINLY WILL!
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
I am definitely stopping now, I am not trying to moan, just being honest about how I feel. Sleep well, sweet dreams x
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
I know and I accept that. It's part of my job but there should be a line. No one should be made to feel like that
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
The silly thing is this will probably only make it worse, oopsie! I think they push me so far cause they want me to be violent
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Well f**k it, what will be, will be. You just have to laugh sometimes. The world is a crazy place, I wish I could pore molten cheese on them
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Mwhahahaha! I think the flashes are getting to my head ????
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Ha! Who needs privacy anyway?
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
Sarcasm strikes again
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 22, 2015
She seemed to really be finished at that point. Hopefully she doesn't really find the paps' homes and bite them or pour molten cheese on them ... but if she does, hopefully someone is around to take and share that photo.
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