9 Times Buffy Made You Ugly-Cry
For a show that was supposed to be scary and action-packed, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" gave us a strong case of the ugly-cries at least four times a season. It packed more emotions and heartbreak than we could handle at times -- and we love it for it. In honor of Sarah Michelle Gellar's birthday, here are all the times Buffy Summers gave us all the feels.
When She Danced With Angel for the Last Time
The Sundays' "Wild Horses," plus two doomed lovers, equals sob.
When She Opened Up to Giles
Sure, she's the slayer. But she's also a 16-year-old girl with hopes and dreams and fears -- especially a fear of dying, which she tearfully tells Giles she doesn't want to do in one of the series' first (and best) moments. It really underscored how vulnerable this teenager/hero really is.
When the Scooby Gang Split Up
Everyone is leaving and it's all Michelle Branch's fault. From Buffy and Spike's passive-aggressive AF encounter to Willow's cryfest, "Goodbye to You" is the perfect song to underscore this epic tearfest.
When She Earned Her 'Class Protector' Award
What do you mean you didn't cry at this? The class that mocks and doesn't understand her, the people she literally fights for, gave her an award for being their hero. Still not crying? You monster...
When She Told Spike She Loves Him
Leave it to Buffy and Spike to stop mid-Hellmouth battle to finally get all their "kumbaya-yas out" -- moments before Spike does the hero thing and dies to save her, and the Scoobies aaaaand, damn it, here come the tears again.
When Tara Died
Yes, Buffy wasn't directly involved here. But the fallout of Willow losing the love of her life hurt Buffy, and us, deeply. If you don't cry just thinking about this scene, you're some kind of wrong person.
When Buffy Killed Angel...
...Right after he gets his soul back, which was after he went all Angelus when Buffy lost her virginity to him. Drama! And tears. Lots of 'em. "Close your eyes," indeed. We can't take anymore!
When She Died So Dawn Could Live
"The hardest thing in this world... is to live in it." Second hardest? Watching Buffy sacrifice herself to save Dawn (sigh), the Scooby gang, and the world without breaking down.
When Joyce Dies
"You're not supposed to touch the body!" The only thing that made us reach for the tissues faster was when Buffy daydreamed that Joyce got to the hospital in time, only to realize she was still dead on that couch.