'Bohemian Rhapsody' Filming Stops Over Director Bryan Singer's 'Unexpected Unavailability'
Don't you hate it when the director of your movie becomes unexpectedly unavailable?
Rami Malek stars as Freddie Mercury in the "Bohemian Rhapsody" movie that has been filming in London. But apparently director Bryan Singer didn't return to set after Thanksgiving break, so they had to stop filming.
Here's the studio's statement:
"Twentieth Century Fox Film has temporarily halted production on Bohemian Rhapsody due to the unexpected unavailability of Bryan Singer."
Singer's rep told the BBC the reason for his absence is "a personal health matter concerning Bryan and his family. Bryan hopes to get back to work on the film soon after the holidays." The BBC added that both Singer and a family member are believed to be suffering from health problems.
Over at The Hollywood Reporter, you'll get a slightly different story; here's more from their report:
"However, sources say that filming on the biopic has not been easy. For example, insiders tell THR that producers and his star had grown tired of Singer's behavior, which saw him routinely show up late to set. Another source has said that a cinematographer had to step in and direct during a previous 'non-showing.'
This is not first time that Singer has disappeared during a production. He momentarily vanished during the shooting of 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse and 2006's Superman Returns."
Vanished! They make him sound magical.
These repeat non-showings are suspicious. If there really is just a health matter with his family, the timing is especially unfortunate, because now many people suspect Singer is about to be dragged into the whole sexual harassment allegations scandals. That may not be the case at all. For now, we'll just have to be patient, and hope Fox rewards fans with more photos of Rami as Freddie.
"Bohemian Rhapsody" is currently scheduled for release in theaters on December 25, 2018.
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