'Big Brother: Celebrity Edition': Omarosa Clip Has Twitterverse Rolling Its Eyes
Believe it or not, Democrats and Republicans have found something they agree on: the absurdity of a former White House political aide dishing up dirt on a president via a reality TV show.
After the first night of the three-part "Big Brother: Celebrity Edition" premiere on Wednesday, CBS released a new sneak peek Thursday showing Omarosa Manigault-Newman opening up about her time in the Trump administration. In the clip, Omarosa discusses her time in the White House, claiming that she tried to stop the president from tweeting and that the situation is "so bad."
The video inspired a rare moment of unity, as both conservatives and liberals alike took to Twitter to figuratively roll their eyes. Republicans were mad that Omarosa would follow up her stint in the White House by "trashing" the president on TV, and Democrats were still irritated that she took the job in the first place. Additionally, most people appeared to think this was entirely too predictable. Of course Omarosa -- a notorious "Apprentice" villain -- exited the White House in drama and went back to reality TV.
Wow! It's happening????Omarosa's talking about Trump & the WH???????????? #CBBUS#BBCelebpic.twitter.com/d2iASpzEnm
— Myriam???? (@maximusmom22) February 8, 2018
Omarosa going FULL Omarosa and breaking her silence about Trump on a reality Show, because....this is what we've become, America. pic.twitter.com/UzPcrfcKV0
— Britni Danielle (@BritniDWrites) February 8, 2018
Omarosa fails Donald Trump's Loyalty Oath on #BigBrother, but not before some hilariously self-serving revisionism. pic.twitter.com/iGfR6AG6Cx
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) February 8, 2018
I can't believe I'm watching a news program that includes Omarosa whispering in the bedroom on Big Brother that her former boss, the actual President, is going to screw up the country. What world is this?
— Ben White (@morningmoneyben) February 8, 2018
When Omarosa does something really interesting....wake me up. #TheFive
— Darcy Moriarity (@DarcyMoriarity) February 8, 2018
Stop sharing that video of Omarosa's crying act on #CelebrityBigBrother. She is a phony and should not be trusted – even (and especially) when she is saying what you want to hear.
— Scott Nevins (@ScottNevins) February 8, 2018
Omarosa is all about Omarosa & will do & say anything just to stay in the spotlight & relevant #TheFive
— Cody A. Johnson (@CodyAJohnson) February 8, 2018
That Omarosa clip making the rounds is so much drama. LOL. Absurd.
— Karoli (@Karoli) February 8, 2018
Omarosa will be revealing secret about the WH tonight on Big Brother. The circus has come to town. #IMPEACHTRUMP#MUELLERTIME
— TheGopSux (@TheGOPSux) February 8, 2018
Omarosa has these lines ready to go. This is 2018. pic.twitter.com/sGwZxIK89B
— deray (@deray) February 8, 2018
"Big Brother: Celebrity Edition" is definitely getting buzz out of the new clip. We'll see what else Omarosa shares when the show's three-night premiere continues tonight, Thursday, Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.