'Big Brother 19': Did Paul Leave in Double Eviction? Nope, Of Course Not
"Big Brother 19" is holding its dramatic double eviction episode tonight (Thursday, August 17) and it's clear fans are much more invested in ending Paul Abrahamian's reign than his sheepminions fellow houseguests.
The only hope to get rid of him may be Mark Jansen, who is also the new house target after Cody Nickson.
UPDATE: Well, Paul may leave eventually (please please please) but it didn't happen during the double eviction. We were not that lucky. After Cody left in a unanimous 7-0-0 eviction (after throwing Jason and Alex under the bus on the way out), Jason won the shuffleboard-style double eviction Head of Household. Which means Alex and Paul were the true HoHs. Paul and Josh got right in Jason's ear. So did Christmas. Kevin didn't even have time to get a word in. Mark and Elena knew they were in trouble.
Jason nominated Mark & Elena for eviction. Because that's what Paul and Alex wanted. Yawn.
However, Mark won the Power of Veto! That is definitely not what Paul and Alex wanted. Bwahaha. If only Jason had the guts to backdoor Paul. Instead, Elena became the new target. When Mark took himself down with the PoV, Jason nominated Matt as the replacement nominee, because Matt is basically an empty chair = the perfect pawn.
The vote was not unanimous, because Mark voted to evict Matt. At least he stayed loyal to Elena to the end. Everyone else voted out Elena, so Elena was the second person evicted, after Cody.
The live feeds are down until around 9 p.m. Friday PST, after the special August 18 episode, so we have no idea yet who may have won the next HoH.
Tune in to a special #BB19 episode tomorrow (Friday) night to see what surprises #BB16 Winner Derrick has in store for the HG's! pic.twitter.com/m5ZP0uVdpK
— Julie Chen (@JulieChen) August 18, 2017
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Cody will be leaving first, in the house's second try to keep him out. He will become the first jury member, and like many viewers of BB19, he's struggling to find someone to root for as a winner. Paul has been playing the best game, but not against real players.
So far, the only one besides Cody who really seems to see Paul and want to get him out is Mark. Even Elena Davies doesn't seem sold on getting out Paul. She'll call Paul out to Mark, but her real target seems to be Alex Ow, and maybe Josh Martinez.
Paul has made sure that Mark is "the house's" next target, but he's also been stirring the pot to get the house to go after Kevin Schlehuber. So, as of this moment, Mark, Elena, and Kevin are the most likely targets of the double eviction.
That is NOT what fans want, though, as this Big Brother Daily poll clearly shows:
The only one who might be able to get out Paul is Mark, if he wins the second/double eviction Head of Household and nominates Paul next to Alex Ow. Maybe the house would keep Alex over Paul. We may never know, since there are long odds against it.
Kevin still seems to think he's tight with Paul, but apparently that deal Kevin tried to make with Cody rubbed his (horrible) alliance the wrong way. So now Paul has Alex and Christmas Abbott going against Kevin, and Alex's No. 1 ally, Jason Dent, is caught in the middle since he's tight with Kevin, too. But Paul and Alex tend to get what they want, so Kevin may be in trouble if Mark or Elena are safe in the double eviction. (No one in the house really likes Matt Clines or Raven Walton, but they are coasting under the target radar at the moment.)
There's also the next HoH competition following the double eviction, which will give another indication of the house dynamic as we enter Week 8.
The "Big Brother 19" live eviction episode airs Thursday (tonight). There's also another special episode airing Friday at 8 p.m. on CBS.
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