'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Jace Evicted First, Audrey Is (No Longer) Next Target
Warning: Spoilers ahead from the "Big Brother" live feeds.
UPDATE 1: Jace was indeed sent home on Thursday, July 2 in the first eviction of BB17. He got 12 of the available 13 votes. Audrey voted for Jackie. (Jackie, Jace and James had no votes.) It was also revealed, to TV viewers, that Liz has an identical twin and she and her sister Julia cast their vote together, then switched places live. Kathy Griffin announced the new twist: This coming week, she'd be calling into the house and whoever answers the seventh call gets the power to prevent three people from voting in the next eviction. That's huge. Shelli and Becky won the Week 2 Head of Household competition, so now we have to see 1) who they nominate, 2) who wins the Battle of the Block, 3) who wins Power of Veto, 4) who are the final nominees, 5) who is the HOH/House target, and 6) who answers that seventh call. That person will have a ton of power. Right now, it still looks like Audrey is Becky's target (for a backdoor eviction) but Shelli would rather see Da'Vonne gone. So if Becky stays HOH, that's potentially bad for Audrey, and if Shelli stays HOH, that's good for Audrey.
UPDATE 2: Good news for Audrey: Becky nominated Steve and Jason, hoping to backdoor Audrey, but they won the Battle of the Block, dethroning Becky. So Shelli is the official Week 2 HOH, and she is targeting Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne and John were nominated, but John won POV. He's planning to take himself off the block and, at this point, Shelli is planning to nominate Meg as a replacement pawn, with the continued goal to oust Da'Vonne. Shelli figures Meg is so popular that she'd stay over Day, but Meg is so connected -- to Jeff, James, Jason and others -- that she really would be a good person to vote out. But that's not the plan at the moment. The plan is still to dump Day.
Original post:
"Big Brother 17" has only been airing for a week but a month's worth of drama has been happening on the live feeds. This house is already an asylum and it's not even clear who's running things anymore. Tonight (July 1) we'll see the results of the Power of Veto competition, which was actually held on Friday, and tomorrow (Thursday) BB17 will give us the first live eviction of the summer. The BB Takeover twist can alter whatever it wants at any time, and plans change within minutes in the "Big Brother" house, but as of now two things seem clear: 1) Jace Agolli will be evicted and 2) the majority of the house wants Audrey Middleton out ASAP.
On Sunday's show ,we saw that James Huling remains the Head of Household in Week 1, with "The Amazing Race" alum Jackie Ibarra and Ian Terry clone Steve Moses on the block. However, Steve won himself the Power of Veto and he used the POV to save himself. HOH James did what the house wanted at the time and put Jace on the block as the backdoor target. Jace knows at this point that he is leaving, although he's now scrambling to get the votes to evict Jackie instead of himself, so he can work with his allies -- especially Austin Matelson and Liz Nolan (who has a twin named Julia, just FYI).
But in the first week, Audrey has played HARD -- too hard. It was noticed that she has an alliance with just about everyone and she basically circles the house from conversation to conversation playing telephone, stirring up drama, then complaining that the house is just playing telephone and there's so much drama. It caught up to her. So, as of now, the target for Week 2 has moved from Austin or Liz to Audrey. Will it last? We'll see. It could be that Audrey (BB's first ever transgender houseguest) wins the Week 2 HOH on Thursday or she wins back the house's trust.
Audrey had Da'Vonne Rogers and Shelli Poole as her Day 1 allies, and she got close with Clay Honeycutt, but the house has lost trust in her. However, since Jace, Austin, Liz and (sort of) Vanessa Rousso are on the outside of what seems like the main alliance, Audrey may be able to work with them and find some leverage. A lot will be decided by who wins both HOHs, who is nominated, and who wins the all-important POV in Week 2. Audrey seems like the majority target for the moment, but "The Amazing Race's" Jeff Weldon also has his share of haters and there may be even more reasons to oust him, since he's very close to both Jackie and Meg. So ... Jeff vs. Audrey may be the story of Week 2, unless an even bigger target emerges.
For now, expect to see Steve win POV tonight and Jace become the first houseguest to leave BB17 tomorrow. However, the motto of this show is Expect the Unexpected, so there may be a last minute change on Thursday to send Jackie from pawn to packing. It's happened before.
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