'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Da'Vonne Evicted Second, Twists No Help
UPDATE: Da'Vonne was evicted in a 7-2 vote against Meg. No idea why Day didn't cancel Clay's vote, not that it would've been enough. But he was the one who really put her on the block.Day thinks the houseguests are cowards who won't nominate Audrey because she's transgender and they're worried what America might say about them. She's right that they should judge Audrey -- and everyone else -- as a player, not a symbol. It would've been interesting for Julie Chen to tell Da'Vonne about Vanessa, too, since Vanessa is a famous poker player and Day is a poker dealer.
Warning: BB17 spoilers ahead from the live feeds.
Hey, remember when Audrey Middleton was the "Big Brother 17" Week 2? Those were the days! And those days are gone. Right now, Da'Vonne Rogers looks like she'll be following Jace Agolli out the door as the second houseguest evicted from BB17. No last laugh for her -- the house is basically unanimous against her, except for Jason Roy, now that she's up against Meg Maley. Three votes won't be enough. And no help from the Twin Twist, either, since she was too late in seeing something off about Liz Nolan. Now that most of the house knows about Liz's secret, it's not even useful for leverage.
How did it come to this?
Shelli Poole and Becky Burgess won the two Head of Household competitions, and even though Becky's plan was to backdoor Audrey, Becky was dethroned as HOH when her nominations won the Battle of the Block. Shelli remains HOH, and she never planned to backdoor Audrey. She even seems to be working with Audrey at this point, and she and her showmance partner and co-HOH (it seems that way, anyway) Clay Honeycutt decided to target Da'Vonne. Last week, CBS aired Clay vs. Day, so it's no surprise that he would want her out, and Clay and Shelli believe Day will never trust them and always want to target them.
Shelli nominated Da'Vonne and John, and Day could've saved herself in the Power of Veto competition, but -- as we'll see on TV on Wednesday, July 8 -- John won the POV. During the POV ceremony, held on Monday, John took himself off the block, and Shelli nominated Meg Maley as the replacement nominee, because everyone likes her and she won't be voted out. Shelli almost nominated Liz -- which, ironically, would be wise, since Liz is the twin twist and if she survives five evictions her sister Julia enters the game on her own -- but it was feared that Liz might actually leave so they picked Meg as someone who would be a good pawn next to Day. Da'Vonne doesn't even seem to have any loyal allies beyond Jason, so how she's more of a threat than Audrey is unclear. And if Meg really is that popular, why isn't SHE a better person to target and evict? It's not going to happen, but...
The one thing that maybe could've saved Da'Vonne is if she (or Jason) answered the seventh call in the house in Kathy Griffin's BB Takeover Twist under different circumstances. As Kathy explained on Thursday night, she'll be calling into the house this week to give the HGs the power of the last laugh. Whoever answers the seventh call will get the power to prevent three people from voting at the next live eviction.
WOW ???????????????????? Canceling 3 Votes YASSSSS I hope Audrey answers that 7th Call @kathygriffin is My Life ???????????????????????? #BB17#Kathypic.twitter.com/nsJTTT6a9p
— Corey (@CoreyOnTV) July 3, 2015
As of now (Tuesday) it looks like maybe Day was the one to answer the seventh call -- which is very convenient, for drama purposes -- but it's still probably too late, because who is really willing to shake up the house for her benefit? But still. Day is now trying.
So it's Meg vs. Da'Vonne this Thursday, July 9 and we'll see if Day does have enough massive luck -- and social/strategic skill -- to pull this off. There's still only about a 0.1 percent chance. Do you hope she stays?
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