You Can Now Hang Out In Sheldon and Leonard’s Apartment From 'The Big Bang Theory'
You know all the words to "Soft Kitty." You can recite every rule of the Roommate Agreement. Still, there’s one thing no fan of "The Big Bang Theory" has been able to do until now: sit in Sheldon’s oft-preferred spot.
Now Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood guests can finally explore the braniacs' famed living room, triple-knock on Penny’s door and yes, even get comfortable in Sheldon’s precious couch corner, just like the beloved characters from the CBS sitcom.
It's not the Big Bang sets at actual scale but an abbreviated version of them — yet even with the living room feeling smaller in person than it did on TV, it's eerily identical through your phone's camera lens. Every detail is the right place, too. Even die-hard fans will recognize the Apartment 4A set as the real deal, right down to the Luke Skywalker and Superman figurines, that Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots closet door poster and the DNA double helix Sheldon and Leonard spent 139 ½ hours rebuilding in the recent finale.
There’s not enough space for the entirety of Leonard and Penny’s current home, but guests can go as far as the telescope in the living room’s back corner and snap pictures while pretending to be comforted by tea in a shrunken-down kitchen, complete with a Batman cookie jar. The only place guests can’t sit? The makeshift Cal Tech Physics Lab Cafeteria, as it contains iconic costumes worn by Raj, Howard, Sheldon and Amy Farrah Fowler, Sheldon’s eventual wife.
From Penny’s apartment exterior -- complete with on-camera outfits worn by actors Melissa Rauch and Kaley Cuoco -- to the hallway towards Leonard’s room, snap a picture in front of any of the sets and it’ll look just like the real thing, making for some major Instagram moments. Fans can even get their picture taken beside the iconic "Big Bang" broken elevator. (Just don’t try to walk up the stairs -- it’s a facade.)
These three sets from the longest-running multi-camera sitcom of all time are just some of the cinematic experiences offered on Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood. Here, attendees can sit inside the Central Perk set from "Friends," get up close to "Aquaman" costumes and even be placed into a Hogwarts house by the Sorting Hat from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," all but guaranteeing you’ll have a better time on your next vacation than sitting through an episode of Fun with Flags.
Stage 25, where all 279 episodes of the sitcom taped, has also officially been renamed "The Big Bang Theory" stage -- one of only five shows to ever be commemorated as such. “To know that the show has a life beyond our efforts is a terrific feeling,” said creator Chuck Lorre, reflecting on the hit show’s 12-season run. “Every time I go by I look at the plaque on the wall and it feels special. It’s quite a humbling experience to see that plaque go up.”
Another terrific feeling? Knowing you can scoot into Sheldon’s spot and there’s not a thing he can do about it.
Warner Bros. Studio Tour tickets start at $69, and can be purchased online in advance.