The 22 Best Star Wars Movie Posters, Ranked
Among many other things, the "Star Wars" franchise is known for having some of the best, most eye-popping posters in the business. Lucasfilm really knows how to sell that galaxy far, far away. Here are our 23 favorite posters from over the decades, ranked in increasing order of awesomeness.
22. 'Revenge of the Sith' Teaser Poster
We appreciate what the artists at New Wave Creative were going for here, even if the final result doesn't work quite as well as was intended. The idea of Anakin Skywalker's billowing cape forming the iconic mask of Darth Vader is a great way to set the tone for the final chapter of the Prequels.
21. 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Main Poster
This is pretty standard fare as far as "Star Wars" posters go. But if the formula ain't broke, why fix it? This poster offers a sweeping look at the entire cast, along with an ominous look at the overwhelming odds they're facing.
20. 'The Phantom Menace' Main Poster
It's not truly a Star Wars movie until painter Drew Struzan has taken a pass. Struzan worked his magic on the main poster for "The Phantom Menace," with the bright suns of Tatooine and the looming stare of Darth Maul setting this one apart.
19. 'Rogue One' Cinemark XD Version
We approve of the minimalist approach here, which juxtaposes silhouetted images of the main cast against a simple Death Star background. It only heightens the feeling of dread as this team takes on an impossible mission.
18. 'The Last Jedi" Porg Poster
This poster only just hit the Interwebs, and already it's taken its place among the greats. This poster takes a colorful pop art approach as it showcases one of the more memorable new critters being introduced in "The Last Jedi.
17. 'Attack of the Clones' Main Poster
The middle chapter of the Prequel Trilogy may not be good for much, but it did feature another snazzy painted poster courtesy of Drew Struzan. This poster promises an equal mixture of space adventure and sweeping romance. We'd like to see that movie...
16. 'The Empire Strikes Back' Third Poster
Painter Tom Jung took an interesting approach to the third theatrical poster for "The Empire Strikes Back." He allowed Darth Vader to loom large over the rest of the cast, offering a hint of the darker turn the saga was about to take.
15. 'Rogue One' Second Poster
This poster has two main elements working in its favor. First is the unusual sight of Rebels and Stormtroopers battling it out in a lush, tropical setting. The other is the image of the massive Death Star coming into view on the horizon.
14. 'The Force Awakens' Main Poster
There's a lot going on in this poster, which manages to cram in pretty much every player in "The Force Awakens," new and old. The composition really stands out here, with the lightsaber blades used to methodically divide the image between light and dark sides. And it perfectly captures the tone of this much-anticipated adventure.
13. 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Dolby Exclusive Poster
The careful composition emphasizes the clash between light and dark. Most intriguing of all is Luke's placement, suggesting a Jedi Master torn between both sides. It feels like a callback to the classic Drew Struzan film art, which is great.
12. 'The Force Awakens' Rey Poster
"The Force Awakens" had a lot of posters. The best of these were the ones that spotlighted individual characters and followed a common theme, with each character's face partially obscured by their own weapon. And nowhere did that design stand out more than with this image, showcasing the mysterious new heroine Rey.
11. 'Revenge of the Jedi' Teaser
You really can't go wrong by making Darth Vader the focal point of your poster design. This poster (which sported the yet-to-be-abandoned original title) teased the massive confrontation between Vader and his son, and it left fans desperate to see the trilogy finally conclude.
10. 'Return of the Jedi' Teaser Poster
Luke's lightsaber color may be incorrect for a "Return" poster, but otherwise we adore the original "Return of the Jedi" teaser. Following the darkness of "The Empire Strikes Back," this iconic poster shows Luke lighting the way and bringing hope back to the galaxy.
9. 'Rogue One' Billboard Poster
The widescreen format is used to great effect for this "Rogue One" ad. Even more than before, the combination of the beach environment and the looming Death Star on the horizon captured our imagination.
8. 'The Last Jedi' Character Posters
As with "The Force Awakens," "The Last Jedi" features a series of posters spotlighting individual characters -- all united around a common visual theme. The red color scheme is used to incredible effect here, calling into question whether Rey will be the hero or villain of this particular story.
7. 'The Empire Strikes Back' Special Edition Version
In 1997, Struzan was commissioned to design a whole new series of posters for the Original Trilogy to celebrate the Special Edition re-releases. Our favorite from the original three is "The Empire Strikes Back," which does a fantastic job of using lighting and conveying the awesome military might of Darth Vader and his troops.
6. 'Star Wars' Fourth Poster
In many ways, artist Tom Chantrell really set the tone for all future "Star Wars" posters with this effort. If not quite as fantastical as some designs, its dense, collage-style approach to depicting the main cast offers a thrilling glimpse of the adventure to come.
5. 'Star Wars' Teaser Poster
Sometimes the simplest approach really is best. This unforgettable piece of movie art relies on nothing but text and color to sell the film, and it does a surprisingly great job of it. When you have a tagline this incredible, who needs images?
4. 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Teaser
That sound you hear is this poster going up on the dorm room walls of film students everywhere.
3. 'The Empire Strikes Back' Main Poster
If you weren't already excited about this sequel in 1980, you definitely were after glimpsing this poster. Artist Roger Kastel crafted one of the all-time great "Star Wars" images here, making great use of Darth Vader's helmet and the doomed love between Han Solo and Princess Leia.
2. 'Star Wars' Main Poster
"Star Wars" images don't get more iconic than this. Artist Tom Jung really tapped into the mythological side of the saga with this shot of a burly Luke Skywalker and a confident Princess Leia, both standing proudly against the backdrop of an epic space battle. (And a disco ball-looking Death Star.)
1. 'The Phantom Menace' Teaser Poster
Say what you will about "The Phantom Menace," but damned if it didn't have a great teaser poster. This image of a young, idealistic Anakin Skywalker -- casting the shadow of the villain he's doomed to become -- does more to highlight the tragedy of the character than anything in the Prequels themselves.