Best of Late Night TV: Patrick Stewart Kisses Conan, Josh Groban Sings Trump Tweets, Zac Efron's Egg Russian Roulette
If you're like us and value your sleep, you probably nodded off into your Ambien dreamland before the party started on post-prime time TV. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's the best of what happened last night on late night.
This is how to start your day. Sir Patrick Stewart loves a good male kiss -- and why not? -- so he shared the wealth with Conan O'Brien. Sir Patrick was on "Conan" and talked about his lip-lock with good friend Sir Ian McKellen. Patrick explained that he's not a one-man kisser, and he doesn't just kiss other "sirs" -- although he said he might give a bit of tongue to Sir Sean Connery. (Go for it!) Sir Patrick said he doesn't go around smooching strangers, but he was happy to try K-I-S-S-I-N-G Conan. So they had their own quick, passionate lock complete with little floating hearts. Beautiful! Conan was left dumbstruck. They decided more heterosexual men should kiss each other like this.
They say egg is good for your hair, so Zac Efron just helped his hair game Monday night on "The Tonight Show." Zac and Jimmy Fallon played a classic game of Egg Russian Roulette and it got even messier for Jimmy.
Halle Berry brought her own interesting hair game -- and a very sexy, Catwoman-esque outfit -- to "Jimmy Kimmel Live." The "Extant" star talked about life on other planets, saxophones as the sexiest instrument, her bra, and Jimmy's new beard. (Jimmy's new beard does look pretty hot, but nowhere near as hot as Halle. Is she really human? Have we checked?)
Because Donald Trump must always be the center of everything, Josh Groban sang Donald Trump tweets on "Jimmy Kimmel Live." You may recall when Josh sang Kanye West's tweets.
Bill Hader was on "Late Night with Seth Meyers" and talked about getting stoned with the cast of "Trainwreck" when they were in Amsterdam. Because of course! Bill said he doesn't smoke pot too often and Seth Rogen said it was like smoking pot with his dad. (You have to watch the video just for Bill's awesome Seth Rogen impression.) Apparently they lost Vanessa Bayer while in Amsterdam, and she showed up for a studio cameo -- toting luggage -- as if she just arrived.
Lake Bell, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Little Mix were on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" and James talked to Little Mix about performing with Taylor Swift. James also asked Perrie Edwards how she's holding up after her breakup with Zayn Malik. She said "I'm good. Absolute blast in America. Things are going so well." She said she wakes up every day and thanks her lucky stars she has those three girls. The group also performed "Back Magic."
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