Best of Late Night TV: Liam Neeson's Arm Wrestling and Chris Pratt's Surprise Appearence (VIDEO)
If you're like us and value your sleep, you probably nodded off into your Ambien dreamland before the party started on post-prime time TV. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's the best of what happened last night on late night.
The late night moment you've been waiting for has arrived: Jimmy Fallon and Liam Neeson finally went head-to-head (or rather, fist-to-fist) in a "Tonight Show" arm wrestling match of epic proportions. We'll let you watch the clip to see who wins, but hint: it's not Jimmy Fallon. Of course the best part of this arm wrestling match were the insults Jimmy and Liam threw at each other, including "after I win I'm gonna officially change my name from Liam Neeson to Dick Rubnuts." Flawless.
Hot off the heels of Jimmy and Liam's wrestling match, "Pretty Little Liars'" Lucy Hale showed up on "Late Night" to chat about the most addictive show of all time. The question on everyone's mind: does she know who A is? The answer: of course not, let's be real. The writers change their mind about A's identity every five seconds!
Over on "Kimmel," Chris Pratt made an unexpected appearance in Jimmy's office thanks to being epically confused about the show's schedule. The result: an impromptu interview. Bless your heart for doing this skit, Chris Pratt. Also, how excited is everyone for "Parks and Recreation's" triumphant return?
Meanwhile on "Conan," Elizabeth Banks stole our hearts when she declared herself a feminist and said that she's totally on board with Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian's internet-breaking nudity. Also, she's raising her sons to be fellow feminists who play with Barbie dolls, which is obviously completely awesome.