Best of Late Night TV: Justin Bieber Explains Why He Cried at VMAs, Amanda Peet Wants a Divorce Over Jon Snow
If you're like us and value your sleep, you probably nodded off into your Ambien dreamland before the party started on post-prime time TV. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's the best of what happened last night on late night.
"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" Wednesday night, and he owned up to some of his past bad behavior, when he had "a bunch of knuckleheads" around him. He also explained why he had that emotional moment at the MTV VMAs. Here's why JB was crying:
It's just so overwhelming for me. Everything, just the performance -- I missed some cues, so I was a little disappointed at that. Just everyone, the support. I just wasn't expecting them to support me the way that they did. The last time I was at an awards show, I was booed. ... I think it's just like I've worked so hard at this album, I worked so hard at becoming the man I want to become, and then stepping into this situation you can't help but feel judged. So I was just feeling judged, and just wanting to win so badly, and just wanting to do what I love so badly that I just put everything on the line. And I think that that was what was so special about the emotional moment, it was authentic and real. I was really just wanting it so bad."
Jimmy joked that his junk was being pulled hard by the harness he was strapped into, so that probably helped bring on the tears.
Justin didn't stay deep and emotional, he got to work doing what he loves best: performing. He did some "Freestylin' with The Roots," performed "What Do You Mean?" and had a Drum-Off with Questlove. He and Jimmy also sang "Where Are U Now" as a country ballad.
Over on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Amanda Peet talked about wanting to divorce her husband, who happens to be one of the "Game of Thrones" showrunners. She spends part of her year in Northern Ireland, because GoT shooting is (mostly) based there, but she said she doesn't love David Benioff anymore because of what happened to Jon Snow. She said she made David promise her not to kill Jon Snow; she begged him, she said she heard rumors about Jon Snow, and she wanted proof that he was OK. David sent her a photo of Kit Harington with his long hair and it made her fall back in love with her husband again. But two episodes later they killed off Jon Snow. (For now.) On a related note, they talked about Jon Snow impressions and Amanda did hers, while reading a bra-like advertisement. Her impression is not that great, it's closer to Ygritte mixed with Robb Stark, but it's funny. All you really have to do for Jon Snow is lower your voice and look gloomy.
Jimmy Kimmel also addressed a new public policy poll, which said a majority of Republicans still believe President Obama is a Muslim. So JKL took to the street with a pedestrian question: "Is Barack Obama a Muslim?"
Back on "The Tonight Show," author Salman Rushdie talked about writing a song for U2.
Don't forget: Conan, Seth Meyers, and James Corden are on repeats this week, but things will get back to normal soon, with Stephen Colbert joining the mix with his "The Late Show" debut on September 8.
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