Relive Some of Jim's Best Moments With This Official 'Office' Supercut
More than five years after it left the air, fans still can't get enough of NBC sitcom "The Office," so much so that the network is rumored to be working on a reboot/revival of the series right now. Whether or not that new show pans out, it will be hard to top the characters who came before, and high on that list is Jim Halpert (John Krasinski), a television heartthrob seemingly invented solely to inspire rapturous BuzzFeed listicles.
While calling something "the best" is a recipe for disaster on the internet, the folks who run the official YouTube channel for "The Office" claim to have cobbled together the definitive moments from the series featuring Big Tuna. And while we'd probably argue for the inclusion of at least a dozen additional scenes (seriously, no "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica"? Nothing from "Niagara"? No Three-Hole Punch Jim?), this clip is still a great reminder of what made the character so beloved in the first place.
We're always down to re-watch the surprising, gleeful moment when Jim and Pam discover they're expecting, and the "Vol-de-mort!" chant will never get old, either. Even if we don't necessarily agree with all of the selections or omissions, we appreciate any opportunity to relive the series. (That's what YouTube is for, anyway.)