19 Movie Villain Deaths That Made You Go 'Bye, Felicia!'
All great villains must meet their end somehow, and the more spectacular, the better. Whether it's falling dramatically from a high-rise building or going out in a brilliant explosion, here are some villains whose death scenes we'll never, ever forget.
Roy Batty, 'Blade Runner' (1982)
In one of the most poetic scenes in cinema, murderous android Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer) terrorizes the man sent to kill him Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford). But in his final moments, he inexplicably decides to let Deckard live. And he gives a farewell speech for the ages, one that will make you reference "like tears... in rain" ALL THE TIME.
Khan, 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan' (1982)
The greatest "Star Trek" villain ever, Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalban) goes out with an unforgettable declaration of undying hate: "From hell's heart, I stab at thee." (A quote English majors should recognize from "Moby Dick.")
Darth Vader, 'Return of the Jedi' (1983)
Darth Vader is all about the dark side, but when he sees the evil Emperor zapping Luke (Mark Hamill) to death, he sacrifices himself to save his son. Redeemed by his last selfless act, we weep along with Luke as he builds a funeral pyre for his father.
Wicked Witch of the West, 'The Wizard of Oz' (1939)
"I'm melting! What a world!" Who knew that water could take down an evil witch in one of filmdom's most famous villain death scenes. (Hint: Water also works against aliens!)
Hans Gruber, 'Die Hard' (1988)
In his last remaining seconds, Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) knows he's about to plunge to his death, but still tries to drag hostage Holly (Bonnie Bedelia) over the edge with him. Oh, and he also tries to shoot hubby John (Bruce Willis) before he goes. Happy trails, Hans!
The Shark, 'Jaws' (1975)
In one of the best man vs. beast showdowns, Sheriff Brody (Roy Scheider) feeds the man-eating shark a pressured scuba tank, then -- with Jedi-like aim -- shoots it, exploding the villain with a mouth full of knives into a shower of gory goo.
Nazi Villains, 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' (1981)
It's not often you see villains dramatically melted by the wrath of God, but if ever a trio of Nazi jerks deserved to go up in Biblical flames, it's these defilers of the Lost Ark.
Sebastian Shaw, 'X-Men: First Class' (2011)
Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon) taught Magneto (Michael Fassbender) how to use his deadly powers, but then again, he also killed Magneto's mother. Sorry, Professor X, we have to cheer as Magneto slowly, satisfyingly sends a Nazi coin through the paralyzed Shaw's evil skull.
Agent Smith, 'The Matrix' (1999)
TFW you think you've defeated one of those pesky humans for good, but he masters The Matrix and jumps inside you -- destroying you from the inside out.
Annie Wilkes, 'Misery' (1990)
It takes the entire movie for injured novelist Paul Sheldon (James Caan) to take down cruel captor (aka "biggest fan") Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates), but when he does, it's one of the most satisfying blows struck in movie history.
Stansfield, 'Léon: The Professional' (1994)
In possibly our favorite Gary Oldman performance ever, he's a drug-addicted DEA agent who slaughters young Mathilda's entire family. In the final moments, he gloats over dying hitman Léon (Jean Reno) -- until Léon hands him a present from Mathilda: A grenade pin. BOOM.
Alec Trevelyan, 'Goldeneye' (1995)
No death list is complete without the appearance of the perpetually-doomed Sean Bean. In one of his best-known death scenes, the treacherous 006 plummets from a satellite tower and is then crushed by falling debris. Talk about overkill!
Maleficent, 'Sleeping Beauty' (1959)
The evil Maleficent -- having transformed into a fierce, fire-breathing dragon -- thinks she has Prince Phillip cornered. But he aims his sword for her heart and takes down the deadly beast, who leaves nothing but a black stain on the ground.
Mrs. Danvers, 'Rebecca' (1940)
In Hitchcock's gothic romance, creepy housekeeper Mrs. Danvers (Judith Anderson), who's still devoted to her late mistress, can't possibly let her boss' mousy new wife live in happiness. So she burns down the estate, delirious with mad joy as the flames engulf her.
Dennis Nedry, 'Jurassic Park' (1993)
Trying to profit off the park, nefarious nerd Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) puts everyone's lives at risk when he turns off the electrified fences. But mocking a poison-spitting dino is his last, fatal mistake.
Ra's al Ghul, 'Batman Begins' (2005)
Ra's al Ghul (Liam Neeson)'s is all about big ideas, including purging the world of evil by dooming entire societies. So when he's facing his own doom aboard an out-of-control elevated train, he closes his eyes and philosophically accepts his fate.
Cody Jarrett, 'White Heat' (1949)
"Made it, Ma. Top of the world!" The fiery death scene of cornered gangster Cody Jarrett (James Cagney) in this classic crime drama is one for the books.
Carl Showalter, 'Fargo' (1996)
It's not so much how Carl (Steve Buscemi) is bumped off, but what ex-partner Gaear Grimsrud (Peter Stormare) does with his body in this Oscar-winning black comedy: Wood. Chipper.
That Damn Copier, 'Office Space' (1999)
In one of the most satisfying beatdowns in movies, three office workers take out their frustrations on the evil office printer. It's payback time, you diabolical, paper-eating monster!