The 17 Greatest Action Scenes of the Last Decade
Action movies are never going away, not anytime soon. From Marvel to "Mission: Impossible" sequels, this is the one genre that keeps on giving. The last decade has given us some action movie all-timers, so here are the best action scenes from the last ten years. So. Much. Tom. Cruise.
The Batpod Chase in 'The Dark Knight' (2008)
The "Dark Knight" movies didn't always excel when it came to depicting Batman's martial arts prowess, but they sure knew how to make use of his wonderful toys. One of the standout scenes in "The Dark Knight" comes when Batman ditches the clunky Tumbler for the far faster and more maneuverable Batpod. A high-speed chase and some derring-do later, and Batman has managed to turn the powers of physics against his deadly foe. All in a days work for the Caped Crusader.
The Hallway Fight in 'Inception' (2010)
In a film crammed with mind-bending visuals, nothing in "Inception" stands out more than the amazing, gravity-defying hallway battle. What might have played out as a simple bout of fisticuffs is made far more complicated by a shifting and rotating environment. Best of all, Christopher Nolan didn't achieve these effects through complicated computer wizardry. Instead, he designed a set that could be rotated, like something out of an old Charlie Chaplin movie.
The One vs. Ten Fight In 'Ip Man' (2008)
Most martial arts movies require you to suspend disbelief and accept that an army of goons will patiently take turns fighting the hero instead of rushing him all at once. That wasn't necessary in this brutal fight scene. Donnie Yen cemented his status as one of the greatest kung fu stars of the 21st Century here, taking on ten opponents at a time and absolutely destroying them with lightning-fast blows. You might as well label this a superhero movie.
The Vault Heist in 'Fast Five' (2011)
Some movies feature crafty, intelligent criminals stealthily working their way into the most inaccessible vaults in the world. In the "Fast & Furious" universe, they just brute force their way through. Case in point, this incredibly over-the-top scene where our heroes literally steal a bank vault by ripping it out of a building and driving it down a crowded city street. The resulting carnage is spectacular, and it just keeps building from there.
The Burj Khalifa Climb in 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol' (2011)
The "Mission: Impossible" franchise is known for its crazy action sequences and Tom Cruise's equally crazy insistence on filming them as authentically and dangerously as possible. In that sense, nothing can quite top the death defying climb up Dubai's record-breakingly tall Burj Khalifa in "Ghost Protocol." if you don't suffer from acrophobia already, you definitely will after watching this movie.
The Final Battle in 'The Raid: Redemption' (2011)
"The Raid" delivers a nonstop barrage of brutal fight scenes and shootouts, but none of that can quite prepare you for the climactic final showdown between Iko Uwais, Donny Alamsyah and Yayan Ruhian's characters. Trapped in confined quarters, these three weave a deadly ballet of martial arts fury that just seems to go on and on until everyone is too exhausted to move. By the time these two brothers achieve victory over their ruthless foe, they've truly earned it.
5. The Battle of New York In 'The Avengers' (2012)
Phase 1 of the MCU culminated in "The Avengers," the first movie to bring together Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and Hawkeye in one place. The results were electrifying, with Joss Whedon's energetic script fueling a terrific team dynamic. Plus, the final battle in New York remains one of the most thrilling sequences in the MCU. All this, plus Mark Ruffalo's Hulk instantly made us forget every incarnation that had come before.
The Club Shootout in 'John Wick' (2014)
If "John Wick" hadn't already done a thorough job of showing viewers why every criminal in New York is so deathly afraid of Keanu Reeves' assassin hero, this sequence did the trick. It's endlessly satisfying to watch Wick mow down endless waves of Russian mobsters, with the frenetic camera work and eye-popping lighting enhancing the impact of every kill. This sequence is why "John Wick" has inspired so many imitators.
The Elevator Fight In 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' (2014)
That badass shield flip caps (no pun intended) an extremely badass and inventive fight that pits Steve Rogers against an elevator full of SHIELD/HYDRA agents-turned-human punching bags.
The Final Battle in 'The Raid 2' (2014)
We weren't sure whether director Gareth Evans could top the climax of "The Raid: redemption," but we needn't have worried. The sequel ends on an even bigger and more violent note than the original, with Iko Uwais' Rama confronting and killing one elite assassin after another. By the time Uwais and Cecep Arif Rahman have their final battle in a deserted kitchen, you'll wonder how the building is even still standing.
Adonis vs. The Lion in 'Creed' (2015)
Often, the test of a good action director is how few camera cuts they can get away with in any given shot. Ryan Cooler proved himself to be a true master with this scene, which unfolds in one single, ever-moving take. We don't know how Cooler and star Michael B. Jordan pulled it off, but the result is one of the most visually bedazzling scenes in the entire "Rocky" franchise.
11. 'Mad Max: Fury Road' (2015)
The post-apocalyptic action movie is an important staple of the sci-fi genre, and it's hard to find anything that can top the most recent "Mad Max" movie. In addition to featuring some of the most effectively staged action scenes in recent memory, "Fury Road" offers a compelling look at a world fallen into ruin and madness.
The A-400 Sequence from 'Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation' (2015)
That GIF says it all.
7. 'Captain America: Civil War' (2016)
"Civil War" is the kind of superhero movie that's only possible after years of steady world-building and character development. We saw the Avengers at their best in Phases 1 and 2. This film chronicles what happens when the dream dies and close comrades become bitter rivals. This film boasts some of the most memorable action scenes of any MCU movie, but it's really all about the fractured bromance between Captain America and iron Man.
Rey and Kylo Ren's Lightsaber Brawl In 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' (2017)
The original "Star Wars" trilogy is an almost impossible standard for the various prequels and sequels to live up to, yet somehow "The Last Jedi" managed it. That's because this is a "Star Wars movie about letting go of the past and embracing a new, uncertain future. Even if Disney never releases another "Star Wars" movie (fat chance), this one makes the whole thing worth it.
The Bathroom Fight In 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout' (2018)
As brutal as it is entertaining, this -- compared to the film's other set pieces -- modest fight is scary-good at communication stakes and character through kick-punching. It also has a great dark humor joke involving the bad guy getting shot in the face in the middle of Ethan Hunt trying to make a mask out of said bad guy's face.
The Helicopter Chase in 'Fallout' (2018)
There is life before and life after this all-timer of a sequence, especially when seen in IMAX. (That aspect ratio change?! *chef's kiss.) The entire third act is memorable for its balls-to-the-wall approach to action, culminating in the franchise's biggest (and most fun) finale ever.