'Avengers 4' Gives 'Much Bigger' Roles to Captain America & Black Widow
SPOILERS AHEAD for "Avengers: Infinity War" and maybe also "Avengers 4."
Thankfully, it sounds like we'll see a lot more of Captain America (Chris Evans) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) in "Avengers 4," before at least one of them leaves the franchise.
Captain America -- excuse us, Steve Rogers -- didn't do too much in "Avengers: Infinity War." True, he answered a flip-phone call, had a badass entrance, helped out in some ensemble fights, and introduced himself to Groot. He also showed off his new beard.
Black Widow/Natasha also showed off a new blonde look, and had some nice little battle moments. ("She's not alone.") But otherwise, both original Avengers were mostly on the backburner while other characters like Thor, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Gamora, and Star-Lord had more prominent storylines.
However, the Avengers OGs were also part of the 50 percent to NOT be vaporized by Thanos in the end.
"Infinity War" screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely told the New York Times both Steve and Nat will have larger roles in next year's "Avengers 4." Here's that little section of the NY Times story:
Though Marvel didn't mandate any story or character arcs, Mr. Markus said, "we're never writing without knowing where the end goes." For instance, Captain America and Black Widow mainly defend Earth in "Infinity War," but they "have a much bigger role to play in that second film." In Mr. McFeely's words, "We gave ourselves license to pay off later."
Do you think that "mainly defend Earth" note means they'll defend other parts of the galaxy in "Avengers 4"? We know "Avengers 3" ended with Nick Fury sending some kind of message to Captain Marvel before being vaporized himself. That's expected to play a major role in "Avengers 4," which has also hinted to both a time jump forward and some time travel to the past.
The screenwriters previously told the Toronto Sun "Infinity War" and "Avengers 4" are very different movies "tonally and structurally" and "nearly feel like two different genres."
An early synopsis for "Avengers 4" was recently revealed, adding more clues:
"A culmination of 22 interconnected films, the fourth installment of the Avengers saga will draw audiences to witness the turning point of this epic journey. Our beloved heroes will truly understand how fragile this reality is and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it."
We have almost a full year to contemplate the meaning.
"Avengers 4" goes back for more filming this fall -- including the last scenes for Chris Evans as Captain America -- and then the movie opens in theaters May 3, 2019. "Captain Marvel" will introduce herself just a couple of months before that, on March 8, 2019.
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