11 Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Ansel Elgort
From his childhood goals to time spent on movie sets with some of Hollywood's biggest stars, Ansel Elgort's career is proof that you're never too young to make your dreams come true. You're also never too young to remember every single line to your favorite movie -- a fact with which Elgort is very familiar. Here are 11 things you probably didn't know about "Baby Driver" star Ansel Elgort.
1. Early Days
Ansel Elgort was born March 14th, 1994, in Manhattan, NY.
2. A Family to Brag About
Elgort’s father, Arthur, was a fashion photographer who worked for Vogue for more than 30 years. His mother, Grethe, was an opera director.
3. Thanks, Mom
As a child, Elgort aspired to be an actor, singer, or dancer. At the early age of 9, Elgort was persuaded to audition for the School of American Ballet by his mom.
4. Diving in Deep
Following his audition, Elgort began studying at The Professional Performing Arts School and also attended Stagedoor Manor summer camp for seven years.
5. Alma Mater Goals
Elgort’s high school, LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts is the alma mater of many recognizable names - Jennifer Aniston and Adrien Brody to name a few. (This was the high school that inspired "Fame," by the way.)
6. Getting Gigs
While in high school, Elgort participated in his school’s rendition of “Hairspray” and “Guys and Dolls.” Other plays included “Rent” and “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.”
7. Acting Ain’t All
If he’s not singing, dancing, or acting, Elgort loves to paint.
8. It’s the Important Things
Amongst Elgort’s biggest talents? He has memorized the movie “Billy Madison” from beginning to end. Every. Single. Line.
9. Supporting Basketball
Elgort is a huge, self-proclaimed Knicks fan!
10. Press Pause
Elgort believes it’s imperative that everyone take regular breaks from technology and social media.