Amy Schumer's 'POV Porn' Shows Sex From the Woman's Perspective
Here's another one for the So Wrong It's Right file. In a new "Inside Amy Schumer" sketch, Amy sits down with actress Amber Tamblyn and they prepare to watch some porn. Amber first notes that she's never been into porn; the idea of people getting paid to have sex has never turned her on. Amy replies, "Totally, like I hear you, but trust me, this is different. It's not like porny-porn, it feels like real sex -- it just happens to be, literally, from the woman's point of view."
Cue footage of bed springs squeaking, a woman facing a not-so-hot guy, shots of a pillow, the phone ringing, comments like "Ow, you're on my hair," and "Did you ever see that movie 'Spanglish?'" and -- when it's over -- the guy going to sleep while the woman puts on a home shopping channel.
Amber's reaction is pretty horrified.
Amber: "Did you show me this so I would think guys were gross and I would lez out with you?"
Amy smiles and shrugs. She did.
Amber: "It worked."
Cue their make-out session -- which is of course taped and becomes online lesbian porn for some guy watching on his own laptop. The circle of porn life continues!
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