10 Bizarre Series Finales
What was that?! 10 series finales that bordered on the bizarre.
Back in the '80s, America fell in love with a silly alien named ALF (alien life form), who lived with the Tanner family. Unfortunately the torturous Alien Task Force ended up coming for him in the series finale, which was called "Consider Me Gone." Why?
'St. Elsewhere'
The finale of medical drama "St. Elsewhere," titled "The Last One," led viewers to believe that the whole show was in the mind of an autistic child. Or, snow globe to be exact. The boy is Dr. Westpall's son, who is seen holding said snow globe with a replica of the hospital St. Eligius in it. Yup.
'The Prisoner'
"Fall Out," the final episode of British science fiction program "The Prisoner" is perhaps one of the oddest events in TV history. The controversial finale left viewers wondering exactly what was going on -- it's a psychedelic mishmash of wacky visuals, metaphors, and nonsense.
'David The Gnome'
You may recall the adorable Spanish animated series "David the Gnome" and the magical, surrealist joy it brought you as a child. But you also may recall that crushing finale moment when David and his wife Lisa totally bit the dust when they turned 400 years old.
The last season of "Roseanne" was filled with a good deal of "really?" moments and the finale followed suit. The final moments revealed that the show had been a product of Roseanne's diary and that certain plot details had been false.
'The Little House on the Prairie'
"The Little House on the Prairie" ending went like this: The residents of Walnut Grove blow up their town one home at a time so a railroad tycoon can't take over the land. Oh, yes they did.
'Full House'
So Michelle gets amnesia from a horseback riding accident and the whole gang tries to jog her memory. She almost forgets her own family, guys! But Full House" and not a documentary that resembles real-life situations in the slightest.
"Moesha" was unfortunately cancelled after the Season 6 finale was completed, so it's not really the show's fault that this episode leaves us with questions. Mo's brother Myles totally got kidnapped (gasp!) and someone (maybe Moesha!) is pregnant. We'll never know what happened!
'The Hills'
Was it all dream? No. Was it all fake? Maybe. The last scene of MTV's "The Hills" blew our minds when the camera pulled away to reveal a Hollywood backdrop and set, hinting that the reality show was probably not total reality after all. The rest is still unwritten...
'Quantum Leap'
Sam Beckett was a time-jumping doctor saving futures and righting wrongs on "Quantum Leap." But the screen faded to black in the final episode revealing a title card reading that Sam never returned home. Sam? Sam?