Guilty pleasure or genius misfits or mavericks noble or naff how do we really feel about the Bee Gees Are the brothers Gibb a cacophony of falsettos or songwriting maestros the soundtrack to every office party or masters of melancholy and existential rage Are they comedy or Tragedy How deep is our love and how deep are the Bee Gees With a back catalogue that includes hits like How Do You Mend a Broken Heart Massachusetts Islands in the Stream Stayin Alive Chain Reaction How Deep Is Your Love Gotta Get a Message to You Words To Love Somebody and Night Fever the Bee Gees are second only to the Beatles in the 20thcentury songwriting pantheon but while their pop success spans several decades there are different Bee Gees in different eras Is there a central glue that unites the brothers and their music and if so what is it The Joy of the Bee Gees features a rare interview with the last remaining Bee Gee brother Barry Gibb many of those musicians and industry