Darnell Smith had it all-a new promotion, a beautiful wife, a home in an exclusive neighborhood in the suburbs, a six figure salary and a luxury vehicle. He is the definition of success-at least from the perspective of Jalen Johnson, a 26 year-old hustler from the city. Jalen has made a career out of mediocrity and has yet to find a suitable career that will leverage his greatest asset-being unaccountable. Facing the biggest challenge of his career and closing a highly sought contract, Darnell must balance the challenge of negotiating the deal with mentoring his undeserving understudy. Watch their ideals of life, love, and family collide as Darnell attempts to transition Jalen from a jobless swindler to businessman. Can this unique opportunity end in success despite tremendous gaps in understanding and a high degree of unfamiliarity? Maybe the bridge is all anyone ever really needs to get beyond unfamiliarity, find ones true self, and pursue his passion.