Suede Lost in TV
Audience Score

1 hrMusic
Lost In TV is a complete collection of Suedes music videos arranged in chronological order It reveals a band that has fallen repeatedly in and out of love with the video medium over the course of four albums It begins with a lowbudget performance clip for their first single The Drowners in which all Suedes members are clearly and rather endearingly putting on poses theyve been rehearsing and imagining for years And it ends with Cant Get Enough which they couldnt rouse themselves to turn up for instead allowing the song to soundtrack a short though undeniably amusing film about revenge In between the quality varies with Suedes enthusiasm Some of the videos here are every bit as awful as the band think especially the altogether bewildering Stay Together Others they should give themselves more credit for The Wild Ones for example retains a haunting quality that was worth any amount of plodding around a freezing Dartmoor