Steps Gold The Greatest Hits

1 hr 15 minMusic
It is regularly suggested that Steps are one of the hardestworking groups in pop and the Gold DVD provides further evidence that such an assertion is almost certainly true Since crashing into the Top 20 towards the end of 1997 with the linedancing inspired 5678 the in craze at the time the group have been constantly churning out topnotch tunes Their videos have been as equally colourful energetic and fun apart from the video to When I Said Goodbye which was shot in black and white With their carefully choreographed dance moves flashy locations and outrageous hairstyles and outfits the videos have always been a top priority for the group This collection ranges from the video for their more recent cover of Chain Reaction deceptively filmed in one continuous take to the beach fun of 5678 and are excellently matched to the style of each song