After growing up in the country Shebada finds it necessary to migrate to Kingston in search of a key member of his family He ends up in the Ghetto and meets Ringo Garfield Reid who wastes no time in terrorizing him for money Shebada absorbs the bullying for a time and later discovers that he has found himself in a tenement mess with the kind of excitement that he could do without Ringos influence on Shebada ran deep and in the end he gets a taste of his own cooking Shebada Come to Town is a comedy of transformation Just as Shebada leaves his rural place of abode which has wide differences with where he now calls home his life is significantly transformed and he becomes a new person Keith Ramsay Maxwell Grant Abigail Grant Dainty Bellanfantie Stede Flash Garfield Reid Patrick Smith Ruth Samuels Richard Stephenson star