Secured Tightly is a story about three separate couples and how outside forces can wreak havoc on a relationship Derrick Jamey ClayBrown and Gabby Tessie Wilmot are a successful and accomplished interracial couple determined to beat the odds despite many peoples objections to their union But when an old flame returns in Gabbys life their confidence and commitment are tested Breadwinner Sean Courtney Nichole has her life turned upside down when she loses her job due to a customers discomfort with her sexual orientation As she tries to get back on her feet she must work hard to maintain the confidence her supportive girlfriend Latoya Meke Rae has in her Jason Jason Lumberjack Johnson is a US servicemember and allAmerican country boy who falls headoverheels for Emily Amber Erwin a freespirited young artist But after a year long deployment overseas a lot has changed and they quickly learn that getting back to where they were a year ago wont be easy