There is great excitement at the Würzburg TV station TVFrankenwarte Irmi Werner the wellknown host of the gossip talk show MainGespräch disappears after recording a program Irmi who is not only popular with the rich and beautiful of the MainFranconian metropolis is initially only missed by her son Soon after body parts of her turn up scattered all over the city Chief Inspector Rabe and his colleagues are faced with a mystery because no body is found is Irmi still alive in the end and being held mysteriously hostage But there are also other problems Rabes friend Strick has to make sure that his old nanny Omma Zürrlein does not lose her apartment She is being evicted from her apartment by a real estate shark who senses a lot of money in the construction of student apartments Strick is actively supported by his old childhood buddy Laszlo Schaschlik Obermüller