Utililizing from fairtopassabletoget the hook performers and acts Mentone Musicals producer Milton Schwartzwald offers them all in a menagerie setting with several humans dressed in wild animal skins acting as audience members Toss in Mark Plantnext seen on film years lateras an masterofceremonies dressed or undressed as the case may be like Tarzan First act in this zoo is The Nagasake Tramp Band all black performerswho do a couple of novelty instrument specialties followed by Ruth Daye aka Ruth Day who does a tap dance that leaves Leo and the other audience lions roaring Schwartzwald never one not to know how to change the pace then brings on The Ashburns who trip through some ballroom dancing Singer Evelyn Poe picks the pace back up with a hotswing number Evidently on the premise that if one novelty band is good then two should be twice as good The Kidoodlers make their entrance
DirectorMilton Schwarzwald