Remembering Jean Gabin (1978)

Profile of Jean Gabin the great French actor of 100 films who died in 1976 at the age of 73 Here his career is traced and he is remembered by some of the many producers directors writers and actors with whom he worked Illustrated with many photographs and film clips Narrated by Nadia Gray who played opposite Gabin in the early 50s Interviews with Directors Rene Clement Jean Dellanoy Denys de la Patelliere GranbierDeferre Actors Madeleine Renaud Michele Morgan Simone Simon Jean Desailly Francois Arnoul Lino Ventura Danielle Darrieux Cinema Critics and Historians Claude Beylie Robert Chazal Screenwriter Michel Audiard 1978
DirectorJohn Musilli
WriterStephan Chodorov