Relaks Its Just Pagibig

Relaks Its Just PagibigStream and Watch Online


Looking to watch 'Relaks Its Just Pagibig' in the comfort of your own home? Hunting down a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the Irene Villamor-directed movie via subscription can be challenging, so we here at Moviefone want to do right by you.

We've listed a number of streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription options - along with the availability of 'Relaks Its Just Pagibig' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into all the details of how you can watch 'Relaks Its Just Pagibig' right now, here are some particulars about the Spring Films comedy flick.

Released , 'Relaks Its Just Pagibig' stars Sofia Andres, Inigo Dominic Pascual, Julian Estrada, Alessandra de Rossi The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 39 min, and received a user score of 60 (out of 100) on TMDb, which assembled reviews from 1 knowledgeable users.

What, so now you want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "Bold Sari enlists with Josh a young man whom she barely met They set from Metro Manila to Leyte to find the owner of a letter she found and see the fulfillment of its vow They discover that the journey is just as relevant as their goal" .