Querdenker CoronaLeugner Wutbürger Woher kommt der Frust im Südwesten

Querdenker CoronaLeugner Wutbürger  Woher kommt der Frust im Südwesten
Supposedly innocent citizens from the middle of society who march with rightwing extremists esotericists and conspiracy theorists against the corona measures including entrepreneurs single mothers teachers normal families Michael Ballwegs Querdenker demos mobilize thousands of lateral thinkers from all walks of life and milieus who would otherwise not meet What they have in common the frustration the anger and the hatred of the corona measures and the elites who have decreed them Where does this frustration and anger come from in the rich southwest of Germany of all places Why does a minority withdraw into their filter bubbles and ignore scientific facts And why do they play such a big role in traditional and social media The documentary accompanies participants and organizers at various corona demos but also those affected who have experienced COVID19 up close and have no understanding for these misguided extremists
DirectorsKolja SchwartzJoachim Auch
WritersKolja SchwartzJoachim Auch

Movie Details

Original Language:German
Production Companies:SWR