Pure Hearts

Pure HeartsStream and Watch Online


Looking to feast your eyes on 'Pure Hearts' on your TV or mobile device at home? Hunting down a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or watch the Roberto De Paolis-directed movie via subscription can be tricky, so we here at Moviefone want to do right by you.

Below, you'll find a number of top-tier streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription choices - along with the availability of 'Pure Hearts' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into all the details of how you can watch 'Pure Hearts' right now, here are some finer points about the RAI Cinema Young Films drama flick.

Released , 'Pure Hearts' stars Selene Caramazza, Simone Liberati, Barbora Bobuľová, Stefano Fresi The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 49 min, and received a user score of 61 (out of 100) on TMDb, which put together reviews from 136 well-known users.

What, so now you want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "Agnese and Stefano are profoundly different She is only seventeen lives with her mother a harsh and devoted woman is a regular churchgoer and is about to take a vow of chastity to last until marriage He is twentyfive has a violent temper and a difficult past behind He works as a warden in a car park that borders a Roma camp Their unexpected meeting engenders a true sentiment made of little stolen moments and mutual help" .