The daughter of the farmer András Balogh Juli is confused by the sight of a circus she leaves her native village secretly and enters into an engagement with the dance master at a night club in the capital Her seducer tortures her with dancing drills even during the night what is more he beats her She escapes from her tormentor one night and enters into engagement in Russia Juli becomes Juliette and soon we can see her again on the Tashkent property of a prince where she lives in luxury In the meantime war breaks out Prisoners are brought into the castle Juli discovers her own father among them but he does not forgive her for bringing shame on him One day as the exchanged prisoners set off for their homeland in the morning fog Juliette dresses up in the old clothes of Juli braids her hair and leaves everything riches and love behind to return to the land which her soul became a prisoner of in the very moment she was born