Rangana is a young musician from the working classes who dreams big His aim is to rise above his station even as he toils the lowrent barroom circuit with his band playing night after night to underappreciative crowds to make a frugal living Tanya is the love of his life the woman whom all this will be worth achieving She is just finishing school As he toils through the nights his need of a mode of transport a motor bicycle becomes more and more apparent He dreams of one day collecting enough money to buy one finally buying a second hand motorbike despite his mothers great protest He now wants to taste his new found freedom with his beloved Tanya along the city streets of Colombo As Rangana and Tanya embark on this motorbike journey across the city questions about their present challenges to their future and the very essence of their lives is brought to the fore in Motor Bicycle
DirectorShameera Rangana Naotunna