The demonic design of the US capital set in stone was laid out by Master Masons in the shape of the ILLUMINATI Luciferian PYRAMID Early on these WARLOCKS OF WASHINGTON plotted to place their Satanic Symbols into the foundations of our society and gain control over Americas banking system The American public knows next to nothing about those shadowy Faustian figures who run and ruin this now Naziized Nation from the corporate boardrooms of the Major Banking Institutions America today has essentially a ONE PARTY SYSTEM run by and for the benefit and pleasure of the International Banksters who are sucking away the very sustenance of this once great nation Their goal is to establish a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT upon the ashes of American sovereignty Adolf Hitler wrote THE NEW WORLD ORDER Whats more frightening is that the political pimps and parasites along the Potomac who are doing the bankers bidding are attempting to install it upon the wreckage of America