Man's Gentle Love

Man's Gentle LoveStream and Watch Online


Looking to watch 'Man's Gentle Love' on your TV or mobile device at home? Finding a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the Jean-Paul Civeyrac-directed movie via subscription can be challenging, so we here at Moviefone want to do the heavy lifting.

We've listed a number of streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription options - along with the availability of 'Man's Gentle Love' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty of how you can watch 'Man's Gentle Love' right now, here are some specifics about the Les Films Pelléas, CNC drama flick.

Released , 'Man's Gentle Love' stars Renaud Bécard, Claire Pérot, Marie-Joséphine Crenn, Serge Bozon The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 20 min, and received a user score of 68 (out of 100) on TMDb, which collated reviews from 9 experienced users.

Want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "This is the story of a young man at the dawn of the 21st century. He belongs to the most vulnerable, most futile and most appealing segment of society. Raoul flits from woman to woman, searching for seemingly unattainable love, until he meets Jeanne, who is fated to live freely and tragically." .